Monday, 8 August 2011

Forgotten Luxuries

Recently we had a little win…nothing resembling the end of the road to Camilla, but one that allowed a small breath to be drawn.
In celebratory style, my fabulous husband replaced some of my favourite everyday things that once, taken for granted, had now become small luxuries to me. After what seemed like a lifetime since using them, I was so excited to have them back as part of my daily routine – my bathroom cupboard once again complete!

Something completely unexpected happened though – I kept forgetting to use them. It had been so long since these products had been a part of my ‘everyday’, that what started out as extremely frustrating, had, over time become the norm. 
I had become comfortable with the uncomfortable and I adjusted my life accordingly.

Now clearly a few cosmetic products are not the essence of life and if I have to live without them, life, surprise surprise, continues – evidently with a few more wrinkles, but nevertheless, continues.  Time stands still for no man and no beauty bar!
This became, as do many small events in my life, what I call a “notice” and the lesson has value far beyond the cosmetic.

Many of us, when we have been through the battlefields, come to start expecting them and within the battle itself we fashion a place of survival; a dependant state of being; a state where expectations are clear with no room for surprise.  A place where there can be no more disappointments because it had already become the ultimate place of disappointment.

Without even realising it, we start to operate from a point of lack; we engage in the limitations that we have placed upon ourselves and while we are saying we want something different, our actions say otherwise because sometimes it’s easier to stay where we are than get up again. 
In life most of us will no doubt experience seasons of abundance  and seasons of lack, and then some that sit somewhere in between.

I have become suddenly aware that I need to be mindful of not becoming too comfortable in those difficult seasons to the point where I become complacent, unknowingly putting aside my goals, dreams, and aspirations into the basket of forgotten hope.
For me, comfortable needs to mean being somewhat uncomfortable so that the norm becomes about being stretched  - stretched to do and be more, stretched to a place that whispers potential, not one that tells me that the Camilla experience should be forgotten because I never had it anyway or that its been too long now to matter…

It’s time to welcome back your dreams. Pull them out of the forgotten places and fill yourself full of aspiration… you deserve to be filled again.  

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